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Multi OH Group Placing GCH Claymore's Dumb Blonde BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN

Born 4/28/2020 Dolly is a TheiaxDozer daughter and sister to Elton and Esther. She is a super happy go lucky girl and is a "go get 'em" type like her mom. Always game for trying new things and LOVES to work. She also achieved her BCAT, CGCA, and CGCU! We are currently working on he DCAT as well as delving into rally, carting, and scentwork! Dolly is OFA hips good, OFA elbows, OFA patellas, DM clear, PRA clear, CMR1 Clear, Eyes normal, OFA cardiac normal, Cysinturia 1-1.

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Claymore Mastiffs always has been and always will be an ally

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